Don’t be caught napping

“No one knows, so Watch!” Mark 13:28-37

When will these things happen? Not sure we can say for certain. All we know is that any one who thus far has proposed a specific timetable has been wrong. But Jesus gives us a general idea.

He uses the illustration of a fruit tree awakening from its winter sleep. As the sun returns with its light and warmth, the tree (identified as a fig) begins to leaf out. What does this signify? That summer is near.

In the same way, he says, when the things he has been talking about begin to happen, we can know that the time is near, very near, even knocking at our door. He narrows it down to a generation which will live to see the end. Of this he is certain, as certain as the word of the Son of God can be.

But the exact time and date? No one knows. Not any man. Not any angel in heaven. Not even Christ himself. Only God the Father knows. We are to take heed and pay attention. We are to watch and pray because we do not know when the time is.

Jesus compares himself to a man taking a long trip far away. While he is gone, he expects his people to be diligent about his business, to do the work he has given them to do, and to keep in touch so they will be aware of his arrival. So are we to be watchful. We are not sure when he will arrive. His plane might be delayed or traffic is a mess. He could come at any hour of the day. Just don’t be caught sleeping when he’s expecting to be met at the gate.

Third time is a charm. Jesus cannot stress this enough:

  • v.33 Take heed, watch and pray
  • v.35 Watch therefore
  • v.37 I say to all: Watch!

Copyright 2023 David J. Cooley