
Gird Your Mind logoGird Your Mind is a phrase inspired by 1 Peter 1:13. It is an exhortation to strengthen and build up your mind, especially when it comes to the things of God. A soldier in Peter’s day carried a lot of gear along with his armor. It was all held in place, or girded, with a belt.

Faith is not just warm fuzzy feelings and experiences or wishful thinking. Faith has substance and logic to it. It makes sense and stands up to scrutiny. Sometimes a passage of scripture is so familiar to us that we no longer think about what it actually means. The same can be said about words that have turned into “Christianese”. They sound good and may impress, but do you know what they really mean?

Gird Your Mind is here to help you rethink your faith, to shake up thoughts and ideas that have long been ignored and covered with dust. It is our hope and prayer it will help you put it all into terms that affect who you are and how you act in our modern world.

Gird Your Mind is published on an irregular schedule about once a week, except when I might take a day off for holidays or the circumstances of life.