The fever left

“And he healed many…” Mark 1:29-34

What is our normal response when someone is ill? Isn’t it something like “take some medicine” or “you ought to see a doctor” or “get some rest”? What gave these people the idea to come to Jesus for healing?

After the synagogue service, Jesus went to Simon and Andrew’s house right away. There didn’t seem to be any sense of urgency, it was just the next item on the list. When they got there, though, they told Jesus that Peter’s mother-in-law was ill. Mark doesn’t mention any plea for healing, just a statement of fact. Jesus immediately responds by going to her.

His manner is not remarkable: no waving of arms, special words or an imploring gaze toward heaven. He simply goes to her, takes her hand and has her get up. The fever left her and she began waiting on them. A completely normal response for a completely well person. After all, she had guests in the house!

Later, when the sun had set (signifying the end of the Sabbath and its prohibition on working) people began showing up at their door. They had brought their ill friends and loved ones and even some who were possessed by demons. How did they know to do this? Word travels fast, even without electronic devices. I remember when Mount Saint Helens erupted that a study was done to find out how people had heard about it. The answer? word of mouth. That’s how I heard.

Mark tells us the news traveled to all parts of Galilee immediately following the synagogue service. No doubt a second bulletin swiftly followed after this woman’s healing, though it was not done so publicly.

What was Jesus’ response to the gathered crowd? Did he tell them they should set aside any ideas of being healed until they had submitted to God’s will? Did he explain this really wasn’t why he came, but instead for a greater spiritual purpose? No. In fact Mark records no words of Jesus, just his behavior. He healed many and cast out many demons (while making sure they kept quiet).

The people needed to see and decide for themselves who this Jesus was and why he had such authority and power. Is there anything or anyone that we need to come to Jesus for? Do we trust him to act, to help us?

Copyright 2019 David J. Cooley

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